Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year's Resolutions 2k8

Dear God, its me, Erin Margaret,

Every year at this time (as you know), I take a moment to write down a few tasks and goals for the new year.  This year is 2008.  Five years out of college, about three months into a commitment (my first lease), maintaining my own home...

Here goes, divided into seasons, some things on list transcend seasons, so I will place them where I feel is the most appropriate place.

  • ski 30 days while continually pushing limits
  • apply to grad school
  • get accepted to grad school
  • learn solja boy dance, thats right god, solja
  • doing dishes the day I dirty them
  • bake whole wheat bread
  • learn to roast a chicken
  • attend a branding
  • cut balls off young male bovine + eat
  • catch a 20 inch rainbow trout
  • ride horse and do ranch work simultaneously
  • run up Camels' Hump 
  • attend my 5th year college reunion
  • work on not making small piles all over my house
  • ride cowboy
  • get tan
  • enter my first fly fishing tournament
  • cook lots of steak perfectly
  • summit Oregon peaks higher then 10,000 feet
  • changing my sheets every week
  • go to the last great Communist Society and see what the deal is
  • go to Mantana
  • begin grad school
  • catch steelhead
  • notice when I need to sweep the floor
  • live with other people
  • vote for Obama
All of these and work on accepting things: other people, their choices, my imperfections.... continuing to learn the guitar as the newest member of the Oregon Ole Time Fiddlers Association.  And, as always, be swept off my feet my an Irishman.


Fletch said...

When you successfully learn the moves to solja boy, could you please make a video as proof and post it on the internet?

See you in May.

Greg said...

In order to really "crank that" you should probably acknowledge the 'u' in Soulja Boy. Otherwise he is just the boy representing cheap Mexican beer (or perhaps the sun) - and how can you really get down with that?