Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Let It Snow

I arrived safely in Lakeview after a wonderful holiday in the Northeast. Since I've been back it has not stopped snowing. I think snow will be my salvation during this long, cold, lonely winter in the Oregon Outback. Although I have permission to ski on Wednesday mornings the ski hill is not open. It is only open on the weekends. Bummer.

There is no way for me to check the weather here. I looked at weather.com and they say there is light snow. That is not true. I do not trust those bastards. I just found npr on my radio and will now listen to that for information but it is based out of Portland and any sort of report on this part of the state I would have to question its validity. What I am saying is that all news outlets have no idea what happens here. I will only know what happens by going outside and evaluating the situation myself. I am very comfortable with this. I love seasons. I love winter.

All of this only encourages me to continue reading the NY Times and not the Oregonian. I am in a bizarre position here, no local news, and only news from the East Coast. I am not really sure what this means other then when I bring up things to discuss with Ronne Lindsay she has no idea what I am talking about for example the assassination of Bhutto or McDonalds hiring barristas.

I am excited to head home after work to shovel my driveway (again), drink some hot coco, and read the New Yorker.

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