Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The First Few Days

I arrived in Lima on Monday night. The airport was standard fare for a developing nation. Sort of wild. There was a stomach high fence at the international terminal which held back families waiting for loved ones. The yelling, merriment, high energy were a bit much after traveling for 20 hours. It really shouldn{t take that long but I had a nice layover in Coasta Rica. Lima is huge and dirty but I{ve been staying in Mira Flores, a upper middleclass subarb on the Pacific. Heaps of tourists pass through here and I feel very safe. Last night I ate cow heart. It was on skewers and very good. It pretty much tasted like steak. Summer is in the air here, all kids are out of school and it is hot and sunny. Very refreshing from the Northeast. I am really feeling my lack of Spanish. I felt it at JFK when everyone in line and the people at the desk all spoke Spanish. I am moving in with this family that Maggie Mcconnell lived with when she first arrived. A homestay of sorts. I have yet to play soccer.


Maggie McConnell said...

I can personally attest that Erin Malone's spanish is getting better. The first time she said orange juice we were lead to understand "juro nirvana" which means i swear, nirvana. The other night I heard her say cerveza like she meant it.

LJ said...

You stay in Peru long enough, you'll learn spanish and come back a pro.

Enjoy Peru. That's next on my list of travels.