Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter Solstice 2K7

Well, I am here at the office. All alone. No one is even on google chat. I am taking the next 2 weeks off from work and cannot seem to get anything done. The majority of the morning was spend chatting. And then a bit of work, lunch, more work, and now I am counting down. 4:45 and I'm out. I told Ronne Lindsay that I was going to 20 hours of work while in VT. She said, "Impossible." And then said do 10 hours if you want to. Do I want to? Not really. I am applying for grad school and skiing and drinking and basking in the sweetness of the East Coast.

I can't believe I moved to the West coast. Something I never thought I would do. And, although I am often lonely and isolated, I really like it and will be here for at least three years. Grad school at University of Oregon and maybe work after that?

Some more comments on Lakeview: I've met two families who have sons named Larry and Terry. What? And another family that has daughters named Andrea and Angela. Does this happen often? Is it a joke? I mean it is funny.

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