Monday, November 12, 2007


I was chatting with Cara Romanik during the beginning of September in Seattle and we talking about how and why Vermont just wasn't working for me. (This is much easier to write after a move to OR.) And I was going on and on about how it should work- good friends, beautiful landscape, good job (at least this past summer), close to family, connections with family... Care then said, "Erin the problem is that you are uninspired." That really hit me as truth. Not only truth but also very sad and terrible. No inspiration? What is worse then that. Not much. My life in Vermont really seemed like THIS IS IT except without a husband, kid, volvo, or golden retriever. And it was so damn lame. I can picture myself in VT in about 10 years until then I think that I have some more adventures.

Anyway, fastforward to my acceptance to RARE and move to Oregon. My supervisor/boss is this woman named RL. I had a phone interview with her while I was still in Mainer. And was struck by three things: 1. The first things she said other then hello was that she was very informal, 2. Her bottom line was helping people and demanded to know my bottom line (I don't really have one, yet), and 3. The amount that she laughed. I didn't even know her and the entire conversation was filled with laughter.

Here are some of RL's characteristics:
-she is from LA and moved to Lake County to be with a man she knew for three days and procceded to become the HR head at the biggest ranch in the county (about 150 cowboys under her)
-she listens from the heart, does projects of the heart
-she has a GED
-her make-up is tatooed on her face, a few weeks ago she had it "reapplied" in Vegas, she also told me right after that she looked like Alvira and that there was an Alvira look a like competition happening and she was thinking of entering
-she was a teenage mom
-she is pro-life

Me: Well, I think that birth is the crucial point.
RL: No, conception.
Me: So you think an egg is a chicken.
RL: A vegetarian thinks that an egg is protein.
Me: Vegetarians also think that tofu is protein.
RL: Tofu is gross.

-she does not believe in global warming
-her cell phone's ring tone is hallajullah (not the Jeff Buckley/Lenord Cohen song)

This woman is amazing to work for. She is honest, hardworking, and an absolute doer. She has a task and completes it. She laughs all the time. I am so happy to be working with her and spending a lot of time with her over the next year.

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